Monday, September 28, 2009

Manifesto By Jennifer Moyes

Photograph by Jennifer Moyes

I am he
As you are he
As you are me
And we are all together
The Beatles

I am Jennifer Moyes and we are all together.

The other day I had an epiphany on why we decided to do the blog Revolution Readers (and it was not only because we were being forced to).
I had just spoken to one of my most beautiful friends who was in much pain because she believed herself to be fat. Not only was she not fat, but next to her, I resemble a small cruise-ship. I was really boggled as to how a 13 year old boy’s figure had become the new sexy. If Justin Timberlake had truly brought “Sexy Back”, he would have told everyone to be bodacious instead of boney. It was then that I started thinking: “why does the media impose unrealistic expectations? And more importantly- Why do we buy into these silly ideas?”

It wasn’t long before I realised that was I going to answer not only these questions, but many other questions about the media too.

You see, Revolution Readers (well, er, excuse the cliché’) literally reads between the lines. In a society that is more focused on the latest partner of a celebrity rather than the starvation of third world countries, Revolution Readers intends to go beyond what is presented at face value, which is something that I do in my writing anyways. Analysing modern media in a way that nobody has ever done before, I intend to break the boundaries between what people ought to be receiving and what they are actually receive. Never viewing an argument from just one side, my writing shall always come to a logical answer. However, I am not afraid to say my opinion, although I’m ready to take criticism and listen to other’s opinions. I cannot describe how long I have spent thinking about telling stories in a way that would open people’s minds to the world around them- this blog is an expression of that.

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